Officially open

Hey guys! So it’s been a while since I first started building this site. I had just moved to Georgia and was looking for work, then had to go down to Florida for two months to train for the job I got. Now I’m back in Georgia and ready to tackle this photography adventure!

I did a shoot with my sister Emma, and then another shoot with my friend Skylar. I really loved both shoots!! Hopefully you did too. I think I’ve got an idea for what to post in this blog section and while I will probably upload as frequently as I have something to say, I will do my best to at the very least post a new blog once a week. In those posts, I think it would be cool to share the locations I visit for photoshoots. As a photographer, I think it’s half the battle finding the perfect spot, whether it’s an abandoned house, a perfect tree on a hill where the sun sets just right behind it, or a cool alleyway downtown.

For one shoot, I googled “best rooftop parking garages Atlanta photoshoot,” and found a blog post highlighting that photographer’s ten favorite rooftop parking garages. I thought that was cool and it definitely inspired me because I like to think I’m pretty prolific when it comes to sensing a great nearby photoshoot location. Plus, yeah parking garages are easy to sniff out and list off. But that one perfect bend in the road or small creek?

I think it’d also be cool to detail how to get there, tips on where to park, and any other useful information. Stuff to help you guys who want to take a stab at photography or are just looking for inspiration!

So tel me what you think. Any other ideas of what can be posted? Maybe tips on editing or tutorials using specific photos from my gallery? I’ve got a lot of shoots planned out and a fantastic lineup of regular models now too, so stay tuned!

Email me at for photoshoot inquiries, questions, and comments!


Hey! Thank you for checking out the website! My name’s Henry if you didn’t already know and this is my photography… business? Until now, photography has been a side project, albeit a passion project just the same. Every photoshoot has been free, every human subject hasn’t been a model or had any experience. I’ve never looked at photography as a money-making venture; and still now, I admit I don’t know if I can make that jump into charging people for my photos.

My photography began with the simplest idea: I want the world to see my soul. I wanted to communicate what I was feeling inside to everyone I could reach. I felt this burst of light inside of me, and for all the words I knew or any song I could write, nothing said what I wanted to shout quite as well as a picture of a setting sun over the Oklahoma fields I then called home.

I recently moved to Georgia, and as I began searching for new jobs managing restaurants and bars as I have done since I was 19, a consistent comment friends had made kept coming back to me, “Why don’t you become an actual photographer?” The truth is, beyond my hesitation to tie the value of my work to monetary gain, I just haven’t believed I could do start a business. Taking the photos is easy to me—it’s finding clients, models, would-be subjects (perhaps like yourself). Acronyms like LLC don’t mean much to me, or rather I don’t know how they even work. But coming to Georgia, walking the railroads and breathing in the Atlanta air made me feel like I left Oklahoma, I came here 1,000 miles away, not to be small. Not to shrink or quiet myself to fit in a box. I want to be extraordinary at something. So here I am. Loud and in my element.

I want to create something beautiful. I want to make something that will exist for years if not in physical form, then etched in the minds of all the people who saw our work. I have three ultimate goals with every model, male or female, I work with: I want you to feel comfortable at all times. I want to represent you as who you are in our photographs. And I want you to walk away feeling more confident about yourself, or more certain of who you are, or generally happier than you were before our session.

So message me for a photoshoot. Let’s create something beautiful.